2011年4月30日 星期六

Muscle Building Program For Skinny Guys - Pack on Muscles With Easy Methods

Have you ever though about making your body attractive and just out of the world. You are made beautiful and it's better to stay fit and fine and show people that you can look much more attractive than you presently are. Many of them think that toning muscles and developing a sleek and muscular look is only meant for men, but in today's genre everything is equal for men and women. Women are seen building muscles and six packs more than men. That sounds interesting right! Below stated is an effective plan to make your skinny body look muscular and attractive.

The way your workout is planned is very important for your overall muscle building. If you are skinny, whether men or woman, you might not feel right to build muscle instead you concentrate on gaining weight techniques. It's a good start but you need to go on following the trainer instead doing your own workout. If you are skinny probably building muscles will not turn your physique muscular and attractive. You need to have proper size and shape first. So to start with try to increase weight. Learn all the weight increasing techniques and until you increase work, on the other hand, continue your muscular exercises and lifting heavy weights.

It's very often said that skinny people do not look good and more attractive with a muscular physique. It's just a myth, unless you know the exact strategies to turn yourself into a well built and muscular personality. Diet has to be given a lot of importance. If you eat well your size is prone to increase and it will be better for a muscular look and growth hormones will increase and function efficiently. Include vegetables, salads, beans, home cooked and boiled soups of natural vegetables, fruit juices, etc. have a rich fiber and protein diet. These components are required to develop muscles. Looking good and well built is an impressive thought. All you need to know is do whatever your body likes to stay fit. A rich nutrition and a good exercising plan are the two most important things to work upon to get a muscular look on our skinny physique.

Do YOU know the exact way of building rock-hard, ripped and shredded body? If No! Not to worry. On next page, I have had shared a Complete Body Building Guide by which you can easily build a body of your dream without supplement, without spending every day in GYM and in very less time. Click Here To Visit Next Page.

2011年4月29日 星期五

The Secret of Gaining Muscle, Losing Fat, and Increasing Athleticism

People fail to gain muscle, lose fat, and build the body they want because they don't have the underlying athletic ability. This product delivers that ability while healing injuries, shedding fat, and building muscle!

Check it out!

Can Bodybuilding Supplements Offer the Easy Road to Muscle Building Results?

Often when the term "natural bodybuilding" is thought of, those who participate in such a hobby contemplate intense weight training workout sessions and structured bodybuilding diet plans, but one additional element, supplementation, is deemed a requirement for any individual to succeed in building muscle mass to his or her natural bodybuilding genetic potential. Since using steroids is avoided due to their serious health risks, bodybuilding supplements become the "safe" and legal drug alternative that bodybuilders feel compelled to pursue.

Because so few who experiment with bodybuilding supplements have performed their weight lifting routines without using such products, they are unable to analyze the true effectiveness of the bodybuilding supplements they are constantly consuming, and therefore, mistakenly attribute any fat loss or muscle building to these products, even when making changes to a weight lifting or diet plan that, in fact, is the foundation for any successful fat loss or muscle building pursuit. Instead of conducting legitimate testing to note muscle gain or fat loss with specific bodybuilding supplements using an identical weight lifting and diet routine, many tend to become frustrated with their muscle building or fat loss progress, and once they return from a break with renewed weight training enthusiasm, they not only search for a new weight training workout plan and diet, but also purchase several bodybuilding supplements to use simultaneously, and if they build muscle or burn fat, they rarely credit the weight training workout or diet, nor do they factor in the ease of muscle building following a layoff with nearly any marginally potent routine, but rather feel that the bodybuilding supplements are responsible for any positive change, even when this progress is only temporary.

This biased hypothesis leads weight lifters of all ages to believe that bodybuilding supplements are a prerequisite for impressive progress, and popular bodybuilding magazines, most of whom generate the vast majority of their advertising profits from bodybuilding supplement manufacturers, also convince the readers that they must, without question, rely on bodybuilding supplements as the weapon of choice to maximizing muscle gains, especially when champion professional bodybuilders are pictured holding the latest bottled craze (of course, he fails to mention that his results are due to steroid abuse as opposed to supplement use!). Nevertheless, the overwhelming message sent by the bodybuilding industry that these products are the natural key to dramatic muscle gains fuels most to accept this as truth, and the bodybuilding supplement industry benefits as a result.

But what's the truth behind the bodybuilding supplement craze? I have been involved in weight training for well over a decade, and through my own experimentation, along with emails sent to me by those who are frustrated with their own results, despite the use of bodybuilding supplements, and have therefore devised a standard of thinking that I hope all reading this article will decide is logical enough to consider adopting for their own muscle gain or fat loss pursuits. Most bodybuilding supplements do not offer advertised muscle gain or fat loss results, and you will spend thousands (or may already have) proving this to be factual, but even if you were to stumble upon a bodybuilding supplement that allowed you to gain muscle or lose fat quicker than is possible through a properly designed weight lifting workout and bodybuilding diet, you will then potentially harm long term health. The only method of knowing for certain whether an artificially induced product will harm long term health is with an extended (several decade) controlled study as to its impact, and because no such long term controlled analysis will ever exist on any bodybuilding supplement, you cannot be certain of their safety since, as we realize with smoking, legality does not ensure safety, and, in the long term, there are serious concerns that bodybuilding supplements can lead to cancer, organ failure (due to unnatural stress on the kidneys, liver, etc), endocrine damage, and premature death.

For the many bodybuilders who wish to produce maximum muscle building and fat loss, yet value the term "natural" due to its connection with preservation of health and clear rejection of all potentially harmful external aids towards such progress, bodybuilding supplements that promise quicker muscle gain or fat loss than is possible through weight lifting and diet alone are a contradiction to such a philosophy. You can either heed my warning, or waste large amounts of money as do so many each year searching for the ultimate steroid substitute that offers complete health preservation, when this, in fact, is an oxymoronic fantasy that has no chance of becoming reality.

Francesco Castano authors MuscleNOW.com, a diet and weight training program teaching the exact techniques for muscle gain without supplements or drugs. He also owns FatVanish.com, teaching exactly how to lose weight without supplements.

2011年4月28日 星期四

1 Hour Muscles

75% commission - Lose Fat & Build Muscle using this Home Workout program. Just 20 Minutes a Day, 3 Days a Week to build your perfect body. No Weights. No Gym. No Pills. No Problem! Get a great body and more dating offers than you can handle.

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2011年4月27日 星期三

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Decorated Mouse Pad with body, individuals, individual, game, humans, person, building, human, boy, persons, blocks, people, childProfessional "Brite White" fabric mouse pads are among the most versatile and durable, providing brilliant graphic reproduction for spot color or full color imprints. This durable polyester surface is above industry standards and provides a superior product value overall. Designed to reproduce vibrant detailed images. Our mouse pads have white fabric top with the 100% genuine black rubber base (not the cheap foam your seen on other advertisements).


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2011年4月26日 星期二

Muscle Building - Basic Starting Knowledge

Males and females alike of all walks of life are not only aware of the power of living in a tight muscular frame, a lot of people are going for it. In the following article I will outline a few things you should know before you going for it. Muscle Building has a positive impact on anyone that will stick with it long enough to see and feel the results. Read on, and join the fray! Muscle Building for a better existence. It's True!

Muscle Building methods below will help avoid the forming of bad habits early in your Muscle-Building quest:

· Good nutrition: For Muscle Building, proper diet is key. Eating habits must include real food basically with carbohydrates, proteins, chicken and fish breasts, fats, vitamins, and the right supplements.

· Compound exercises: In muscles building, you must daily exercise (with proper rest ) all of the muscle groups, large and small. Compounding exercises work more than one muscle at a time. Some of these exercises are barbell lifts, bent rows, squats and dead-lifts.By making use of various muscles groups of the body, muscle growth will be more even. You've seen the guy with the awesome upper body and little-legs? Don't do it.

· Rest: For Muscle building, the most important and the most neglected part is taking adequate rest. After exercises, the body should be allowed the proper amount of time. Lack of rest, will disturbs our bodies adversely in too may ways to list here. In short, get enough sleep.

· Planning: You must keep track of what muscle groups you work on what days in order prevent over-training. This runs hand and hand with getting enough rest. You know how modern life is, you have to plan or someone else's agenda will seize your time. Think about it, you know it's true. Take time for you or won't be able to help your loved ones over the long-haul.

· Measure Progress: You must always strive hard to better your previous performances, gradually increase weight as you move forward. The operative word is gradually. Your body will know when you increase reps and or weight you don't have to shock it with a 30 pound increase to see results. Take your time with these increases.

Take a look at the link below and do something! Really think about it! Where will you end up. We can no longer depend on corporate types to secure our families. You have to do something.


2011年4月25日 星期一

You Are Your Own Gym: The Bible of Bodyweight Exercises

You Are Your Own Gym: The Bible of Bodyweight ExercisesFrom an elite Special Operations physical trainer, an ingeniously simple, rapid-results, do-anywhere program for getting into amazing shape
For men and women of all athletic abilities!

As the demand for Special Operations military forces has grown over the last decade, elite trainer Mark Lauren has been at the front lines of preparing nearly one thousand soldiers, getting them lean and strong in record time. Now, for regular Joes and Janes, he shares the secret to his amazingly effective regimena€?simple exercises that require nothing more than the resistance of your own bodyweight to help you reach the pinnacle of fitness and look better than ever before.

Armed with Mark Lauren’s motivation techniques, expert training, and nutrition advice, you’ll see rapid results by working out just thirty minutes a day, four times a weeka€?whether in your living room, yard, garage, hotel room, or office. Lauren’s exercises build more metabolism-enhancing muscle than weightlifting, burn more fat than aerobics, and are safer than both, since bodyweight exercises develop balance and stability and therefore help prevent injuries. Choose your workout levela€?Basic, 1st Class, Master Class,and Chief Classa€?and get started, following the clear instructions for 125 exercises that work every muscle from your neck to your ankles. Forget about gym memberships, free weights, and infomercial contraptions. They are all poor substitutes for the world’s most advanced fitness machine, the one thing you are never without: your own body.

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2011年4月24日 星期日

What Are the Best Muscle-Building Exercises?

What are the best muscle-building exercises? It's a question we all ask, so here's my version, based on the effectiveness of the exercise to build muscle on a specific body-part.


We're looking to build as much muscle mass as possible right? Cable flyes are a great isolating exercise, but nothing sparks full on hypertrophy like a heavy bench press. Using a pair of heavy dumbbells with good form will have your chest ripping through your vest!

Concentrate on the lower part of the movement, always focusing on the stretch and squeeze of your pecs and focus on reps, not how much weight you can lift. Go to your gym and see all those wannabes using a heavy weight and only moving the weight half way down and back up again, then look at their underdeveloped pecs! Don't make that mistake - remember you're a bodybuilder not a weight lifter. You build your body, you don't lift weight (you know what i mean..)!

No. 1 exercise - dumbbell bench


To get those boulder shoulders you need to hit them from different angles, but the best mass builder has to be the barbell press (sometimes called military press).

No.1 exercise - barbell press


The deadlift is an amazing exercise. Make sure you get the form spot on, then watch your back split your t-shirts.

No.1 exercises - deadlift


Some people may say that the classic barbell curl is the best for overall mass, but technology has advanced and the cable machine provides much better resistance. At the top of the movement on a barbell curl the bar doesn't provide any resistance against your bicep, but a cable will provide constant tension against your muscle giving a much better stretch.

No.1 exercise - cable bicep curl


The best way to build mass is to perform exercises where you can pile on the weight. Dips have been a mainstay of bodybuilders for many years, and for good reason - they work! To concentrate fully on your triceps make sure you perform the top half of the movement. Dipping too low or leaning forward will bring you chest and shoulders into the movement.

No.1 exercise - dips


Traditional abs exercises like sit ups are terrible for the back and also aren't that great at actually recruiting your abdominals. Choose an exercise that can really focus on your core. Put a 5kg plate on each end of a barbell, grabbing the bar, and on your knees roll forward, and then back.

No.1 exercise - Barbell roll


Squat, squat and squat again.


Your hamstrings will be worked when you squat, but if you want to isolate them stiff leg deadlifts will do the job!

No.1 exercise - SLDL


There is pretty much just one exercise you can perform for you calves. Just make sure you work them heavy like all your other lifts.

No.1 exercise - Calf raise

The Best Exercise For Building Muscle?

There are obviously a lot more exercises and movements that you need to incorporate into your bodybuilding regime to develop muscle mass and also keep things fresh, but these should form the basis of you lifting schedule. There is no one best exercise for building muscle in my opinion, but these exercises recruit the most muscle fibre and will make the biggest change.

hartnutrition.co.uk is the UK's leading bodybuilding site with a wide selection of bodybuilding supplements including weight loss pills.

Bodybuilding - The Two Top Bodybuilding Injuries That Will Put Stop To Muscle Building

If you're on an intense bodybuilding program at the moment that is designed to help you gain weight, there is no doubt that you are going to be lifting heavy weights - and lifting with intensity. In order to build muscle one of the most critical things you must do is apply an overloading stimulus onto the muscle cells, causing them to wake up, change, and adapt so that if the same stimulus is applied once again, they're going to be able to handle the beating next time around.

Most often, this overloading stimulus is provided by means of an increase in weight lifted. When it comes to building muscle, this is simply the most effective method. BUT, this also means that you will very likely be at a much higher risk for injuries.

Here are the common bodybuilding injuries that you need to be aware of and what you can do to put a stop to them before they put a stop to you.

Back Pain

You likely don't need me to tell you how serious back pain can be. From being a nagging pain that comes and goes as you change positions throughout the day to chronic pain that keeps you from doing the physical activity you want to do, back injuries are serious and need to be treated as such.

The most common cause of back pain when weight lifting is due to your spine moving out of alignment when executing any lift where the weight is over your head. This would include exercises such as the bench press, the military press, lateral pull-downs. Other lifts that can cause problems as well include squats, deadlifts, and bicep curls. Bicep curls in particular tend to be an issue when a lifter is trying to use more momentum than anything to hoist the weight up and as such, their back begins to take on a very large sway.

In order to overcome this issue, always be sure to stand next to a mirror when doing your lifts (if possible) and ensure the spine stays in proper alignment. If you're doing a lift such as the bench press, then what you need to do is constantly think about keeping that lower back pressed into the bench so there is no gap created when the weight gets lifted.

Knee Pain

Next up on our list of injuries are knee problems. This is another very common issue and one that many people participating in weight lifting will experience.

Problem exercises for knee pain tend to be squats, lunges, and leg extensions (any variations of the three movements).

First, when doing squats, always be sure that your knees are tracking exactly over the toes. The most common issue is the knees moving towards the inside of the foot as you squat down, or going the opposite direction towards the outer part of the foot.

You must be sure that they are directly over your middle toe to ensure there is no excess tension being applied to the ligaments of the knee cap.

This same rule applies for lunges as well - only this time you really must pay attention because we're talking about all your body weight (plus more if you're holding dumbbells or a barbell) over a single knee.

When it comes to leg extensions, these in themselves just tend to be an issue for some people, so if you are experiencing pain on these, you might just be best off choosing an alternate exercise.

So, be sure you keep these two issues in mind when progressing through your weight lifting problem. Prevention is always the best method because in some cases, these injuries can take weeks to months to heal.

Learn more common mistakes that may be hindering your current process and find a program that will get you seeing results.

www.muscleadvantageplan.com will help you finally put more muscle on your body after all these years of making little or no progress.

2011年4月23日 星期六

2011年4月22日 星期五

How to Choose the Best Muscle Building Supplement - 3 Tips Which Never Fail!

Are you still hunting in the dark regarding the best bodybuilding supplement? Have you spent considerable time and your hard earned money searching for the most suitable muscle building supplement but have never been able to find one? Well, if in case you are still searching for the best muscle building powder, you need to simply follow these three simple yet effective tips. If you do so, you would never fail in choosing the best supplement for your personal use:

1. Read Product Reviews

In order to choose the best bodybuilding supplement, you need to spend considerable time researching about them over the internet. The World Wide Web has ample information regarding the best body building supplements available in the market. Hence, if you want to choose the best products, you simply need to spend considerable time reading honest product reviews over the net. After reading the reviews, you would have a fair idea regarding the most appropriate supplement that can help you develop lean muscle mass at warp speed.

2. Ask Your Friends

In case you are an aspiring bodybuilder, you must be paying a visit to the local gym. There, you can have a word with athletes who have a well developed body and seek their advice regarding the most appropriate bodybuilding supplement. It would not be long before you can finalize on the most appropriate product which in turn would help develop your muscles at warp speed. Alternatively, you can also take the help of your family and relatives, provided they are well versed with muscle building supplements.

3. Never Ignore Human Growth Hormones

Many aspiring bodybuilders are ignorant to the benefits of human growth hormones while building lean muscle mass. Well, human growth hormones contain vital nutrients including branch chain amino acids which help feed the muscle cells with the required nutrition. When you start using human growth hormones on a regular basis, you automatically tend to increase the overall size of your muscles at warp speed. In fact, human growth hormones also tend to burn the excessive fat content from your body.

In order to choose the best bodybuilding supplement, you need to read product reviews on a regular basis, seek advice from your friends and include human growth hormones in your daily diet. If you follow these simple tips, you would never fail to develop lean muscle mass and lose extra body fat at warp speed.

Are you still searching for the Best Bodybuilding Supplement to build lean muscle mass at warp speed? Well, your wait has finally come to an end as now you can have a Free Trial Pack of the most sought after Human Growth Hormone supplement delivered right to your doorstep at the mere click of your mouse button. HGH has been used by millions of individuals worldwide and it is a regular diet for numerous Hollywood celebrities-it's now YOUR turn to have muscles like THEM!

Bodybuilding - Muscle Building Program And Techniques

If you're currently trying to gain weight on a bodybuilding program, you likely already know that you should be pushing yourself maximally in order to see good weight gain occurring.

But, should you be lifting so maximally that you go to failure each time? Or, is that something that should be avoided?

Many people think that they need to be giving 110% each and every session that they are in the gym, but unfortunately, this isn't quite the case.

While it is definitely true that you want to push your body hard during your weight training workouts, especially if gaining lean muscle mass is your goal, if you are going too hard all the time this is not all that productive either.


The first reason being that it will encourage overtraining to take place. Generally, the more frequently you are able to work a muscle the better the response will be. That said, you do still need to ensure proper rest. If you are maxing out your muscles with every session you do, chances are you are going to also need a lot time to ensure recovery. This translates into you not being able to train that frequently - and as was just stated, this is not preferable.

Recovery Issues

The second reason why you shouldn't be maxing out every session in the gym is because when you are taking your muscles to the point of depletion (using all the muscle glycogen stores they have available), you are then going to need to restore these muscle glycogen stores. Until these stores are full once again, the body will not be able to focus on building lean muscle mass on top of what you already have as it is taking care of its present needs. Using depletion training too frequently will really put a lot of pressure on you to make sure your diet is absolutely spot on if you still hope to see gains. While depletion training definitely has its place once in a while for those who are looking for muscle mass gains, it is likely not the smartest approach to do this on a regular basis.

A better plan would be to push your muscles hard enough that they feel the stimulus, but then back off so that they can recover quicker. This will ensure that you don't need to spend too long out of the gym before your next session. Furthermore, try to aid this recovery by taking care of your post-workout nutrition as this also significantly contributes to the process of refilling muscle stores and repairing the tissues.

Be sure to set-up your program so you are using a full body split or an upper/lower type of split in some sort of fashion. Nine times out of ten these are going to be better in terms of seeing results than the body part splits that bodybuilders of the past used to use.

Vary The Rep Range

Also try to vary your rep ranges slightly each workout so you can work over a variety of different modalities, furthering your muscular ability and improving your performance. This in itself is also another good way to avoid overtraining since you will not be consistently always putting the same stimulus on your body as far as weight and rep range are concerned.

So before you push yourself past the point of fatigue in yet another workout, reconsider. You may be doing more harm than good if you do this too often.

Learn more common mistakes that may be hindering your current process and find a program that will get you seeing results.

www.muscleadvantageplan.com will help you finally put more muscle on your body after all these years of making little or no progress.

2011年4月21日 星期四

Glutamine - the Essential Bodybuilding Muscle Builder!

Glutamine - the essential bodybuilding muscle builder for training and weight loss

On any list of the top bodybuilding muscle supplements and you'll see glutamine at or near the top. Unlike most over-the-counter supplements glutamine has some good scientific evidence behind it and ranks right up there with creatine, protein, and steroid alternatives, for weight loss and as a muscle builder.

Glutamine - when non-essential become essential

Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in muscle cells. Biochemists refer to glutamine as a "conditionally essential" amino acid. Amino acids that can be manufactured by the body from other amino acids are called nonessential amino acids, while those that cannot be made by the body and need to be consumed in the diet are called essential. Glutamine has characteristics of both essential and nonessential. While the body can synthesize it, there are times when demands outstrip supplies. For example as the amino acid plays a major role in the proper functioning of the immunity system, glutamine levels may be insufficient in times of infection. Glutamine levels may also be inadequate during periods of hard training and when following a low-calorie diet.

Nitrogen power!

For individuals engaged in bodybuilding muscle, glutamine's primary benefit is its role in modulating nitrogen levels. Positive nitrogen balance occurs when the total amount of nitrogen excreted in normal bodily functions (i.e. the urine, feces and sweat) is less than the total nitrogen consumed in the diet. Positive nitrogen balance is vital for new muscle tissue to be synthesized. It also plays a vital role in weight loss. When protein intake is inadequate to maintain tissue nitrogen balance, negative nitrogen balance is said to occur and new muscle tissue is unable to be created. When the body is in a state of positive nitrogen balance, protein intake is sufficient to maintain muscle tissue needs and the amounts of nitrogen entering and exiting the body are equal. It's this second state that hard training bodybuilders strive for. Glutamine has been shown to keep the body in positive nitrogen balance, thus maximizing the body's muscle building and weight loss potential.

Glutamine has many positive bodybuilding muscle effects and can perform the following:

Fight the catabolic effects of the hormone cortisol

Contributes to muscle cell volumizing (swelling due to water retention)

Serves as a precursor to many immunity system cells

Modulates protein synthesis

Accelerates glycogen synthesis after a workout

Helps one recover faster from weight training workouts.

How To Use It

Because of its anti-catabolic, bodybuilding muscle properties - and its ability to accelerate glycogen synthesis after a workout - glutamine should be taken in the first 60-minutes after training (this maximizes the amino acid's muscle building and weight loss potential). On your rest days, take glutamine with your final protein shake. There is some debate amongst experts concerning dosage. Start out by being conservative - 3-5 grams is probably a sufficient enough beginning dosage. Then as your system adapts, you can increase it to as much as 10-15 grams.

Side Effects

As with creatine, some users may experience slight stomach discomfort during the first week of taking glutamine. Other than this, the medical literature has not reported any other side effects.

Bob Howard expert on bodybuilding and steroids. Are you looking for more of his bodybuilding [http://www.bodybuildinginformation.com/bodybuilding-muscles.html] articles? [http://www.bodybuildinginformation.com] Article © Bob Howard 5/5/2006

2011年4月20日 星期三

Do You Want the Ultimate Muscle Building Guide to Start Gaining Muscle Today?

If the answer is YES to the above question then this is the place for you. Every body strives to get that body with the rippling six pack and huge chest, but only few ever achieve the goals that they set. One of the reasons for this is that people simply don't give it enough time. They try something for a week and if they don't see any benefits within that time they end up just packing it in.

STOP! The cold hard truth of it all is that there's NOT a quick fix for everything on the earth, especially when it comes down to developing a perfect physic. It takes dedication, knowledge and the strong will to change your body for the better.

It all come's down to a few basic facts:

1. Diet:

A healthy and balanced diet is key to your success in wanting to achieve the muscle building goals you set!

If you don't start with a good diet plan then all your hard spent effort's will be worthless and you will just be wasting your time. If you eat the right foods and know when to be eating then you are on the path to growing huge muscles. However, if you stuff your face with junk food then you are only going to get out junk results.

2. Exercise:

Have a muscle building guide to keep you in the right direction!

You need to have a plan to follow and set reviews to keep track of any progress that you are making.

This is a sure fire way to see if the exercises you are performing are working for you. Also by having a plan to follow it keeps you on track, if you don't follow a plan then it becomes all to easy to become distracted. The idea of a plan is that you change it every 4 - 6 weeks when your body adapts to the exercises and no longer benefits from that plan. You should simply alternate the exercises, weight and repetitions used in the plan to achieve great results. This technique is tried and tested and all pro bodybuilders use it to get optimum muscle gains fast.

3. Recovery:

Another key point when it comes to building muscle successfully is recovery.

If you don't give your body a chance to recover from your muscle tearing workouts then it will not be able to rebuild and get bigger and stronger. You should always allow at least one days rest between training so as that your muscles can repair themselves, if not then you will just damage your body and jeopardise all your hard work in the gym.

These are just some basic facts that can help you make the right moves when it comes to muscle building.

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2011年4月19日 星期二

Muscle Building - Whey Protein Or Meal Replacement Powders For Building Muscle?

In your attempts to build muscle, you will quickly come to realize that a number of bodybuilding supplements are really good and can help you. But, one of the things I hate most regarding the bodybuilding supplement business is that they have lost just about all credibility by steadily formulating goods whose benefits are to say the least questionable.

But one can't simply say that every supplement is bad.

Nevertheless, it gets a little difficult to sort the truth from the lies, given the amount of deceitful information already available. To cut a long story short, if you're puzzled regarding which supplement can help you pile on muscle, you are in the right place.

I am in no doubt about if you're thinking why the advice that I present you will be different from all the lies spewed out by the supplement industry. The simple truth is that I don't make a red cent out of any product that they push, and I'm not on any of their payrolls. If a truthful, unbiased, and knowledgeable estimation is what you're searching for, keep on reading.

What is the best bodybuilding supplement?

There is a simple answer to what is the top supplement to build muscle and that is...protein. You are perhaps already know that protein is crucial for reconstructing muscle fibers that are ripped apart in the act of resistance training.

The fact is, to see substantial muscle gains, you must consume protein in sufficient quantities, especially as it truly is the single most important nutrient needed by your body for building muscle.

Your protein consumption needs to be up to 30-40 percent of your complete caloric intake, for optimum gains.

Sources of protein for muscle building.

While it is possible to get this protein simply from your diet, you'd need to consume a fair amount of lean red meat and other protein-rich foods to make certain that you're getting an adequate amount for building muscle. However it's not always so simple given the pace of our lifestyles, and so protein supplements can be the ideal alternative.

And when it comes to the leading bodybuilding supplements with protein, whey protein is the best. Almost everybody has heard of whey protein, and the market is packed full of many different brands of this number one bodybuilding supplement.

Not only is it really good for you but in addition it doesn't cost the moon. A number of types of whey protein are available, but we'll have to talk about that another day.

Meal replacement Powders (also known as MRPs)

Something else you might consider is another protein supplement called MRPs, which has been promoted as a bodybuilding supplement. MRPs are useful as they provide your body with all the protein that it needs, in combination with good quality carbs, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals.

With the arrival of MRPs does this mean that whey protein is no longer the top bodybuilding supplement after all?

I believe it really depends upon how much money you have to spend. You can obtain all of the muscle building nutrition you require by eating MRPs, but it will set you back a bit financially.

Just a single pack of meal replacement powders will be as costly as a tub of whey protein. That's roughly three times the price of whey protein. Overall, meal replacement powders are a convenient supplement which will replace a couple of the five to seven daily meals, with the proviso that you have the money. But what can you do if you don't have enough money?

If money is an issue, there is no need to worry.

You can get all you the necessary carbs, vitamins and minerals at minimal cost without having to fall back on costly meal replacement powders. All you have to do is use is some good old whey protein and blend in a banana and a little oatmeal and you have a protein-packed meal replacement that won't cost you anywhere as much as an MRP.

In the end it all comes down to how much you can afford on supplements to help you to attain your muscle building goals. Just bear in mind that supplements are not strictly necessary if you are eating the right foods, but they can certainly help speed up muscle gains.

Do bodybuilders need supplements? Find out all about bodybuilding supplements and get the truth about building muscle at http://musclegrow.org

2011年4月18日 星期一

Fitness & Muscle Building Know How for Hard Gainers

Hard gainers are individuals who train equally hard as other people but somehow fail to make any gains comparable to others. They need a lot more than hard training. Hard gainers need to incorporate many different principles in order to achieve their muscle building ambitions and goals. Many bodybuilders get to discover this through the hard way of personal experience, which results in wasted time, energy and money.

Majority of bodybuilding aspirants go to the gym with a well set belief that there is no such thing as training too often, too much nor too long. They do not bother to spend respectable amount of time in constructing an effective training regimen for themselves. Then there is this myth that if some is good, more would definitely be better. This misconception is the driving force behind most youngsters and hard gainers who weight train for stamina, strength and size.

Training on these principles ultimately, results in lack of muscle growth and to counter this problem they put in more training and the results go from bad to worse. Therefore it is good time to face the truth.

In the sport of bodybuilding; effort and effect do not show any evidence of a linear relationship. On the contrary, our bodies are fuel burning entities which are very complex and depend upon delicate balances. Improper and excessive training breaks downs these balances. Simply put, if you burn your energy reserves faster than they get replenished, you'll deplete the entire mechanism of strength, stamina and ability to recuperate.

In case you are a beginner bodybuilder, you must get your body conditioned to handle increased levels of stress rather that jump into the drive to achieve your goals quickly. It is wise for the beginners to keep their workout schedule to a maximum of three days per week, training the whole body in each workout and training each muscle group with a maximum of three sets per exercise. Each set should be taken to total failure, not mental failure but physical failure. In other words, don't quit mentally before your body says by itself to quit.

Bring variety in the types of exercises employed. If you take up exercise "A" for a muscle group in one workout, then take up exercise "B" for the same muscle group in the next workout.

Split training is suggested for the advanced bodybuilders. If your workout schedule comprises of training four days a week Monday, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, separate body parts so that half of the body is worked on Monday and the other half on Tuesday.

As a muscle building addict you need to increase your protein intake with significant amounts than you take up in a normal active life. As soon as you substantially increase your protein consumption, your muscles size will increase gradually. In fact, if you are a hard gainer then this may be your root problem. As per modern standards you need at least two grams of protein per pound of your body weight. A 150 pound individual, for example, needs at least 300 grams of protein a day, to increase muscle size, but most bodybuilders don't even take fifty percent of this requirement.

Lastly, your training program should emphasize more on the use of free weights over machines. And always be sure that you have warmed up adequately before you start lifting weights for muscle building.

For more info go to: http://www.BigMusclesBuilding.com/

Indy Stewart is a bodybuilding expert who took up this sport for weight loss and to build muscle and has achieved great success in health and fitness. Visit his website for muscle building-fitness related information: http://www.BigMusclesBuilding.com/

2011年4月17日 星期日

High Intensity Muscle Building

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